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Used Tektronix TLA5202 2GHz Logic Analyzer 68 ch w/ 4 P6418 Probes


The Tektronix TLA5202 Logic Analyzer makes high-speed timing resolution, fast state acquisition, deep memory, and sophisticated triggering available to any digital designer. The TLA5202 is ideal for single-bus timing and state analysis. An intuitive user interface, familiar Windows-based desktop and OpenChoice networking and analysis features make the TLA5202 logic analyzer easy to network into your…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0188


The Tektronix TLA5202 Logic Analyzer makes high-speed timing resolution, fast state acquisition, deep memory, and sophisticated triggering available to any digital designer. The TLA5202 is ideal for single-bus timing and state analysis. An intuitive user interface, familiar Windows-based desktop and OpenChoice networking and analysis features make the TLA5202 logic analyzer easy to network into your design environment.

Features :

  • 500 ps (2 GHz)/32 Mb timing record length to capture intermittent events over a wide time window
  • 125 ps-resolution MagniVu™ acquisition simultaneous with timing or state acquisition to find elusive timing problems quickly, without double probing
  • Glitch and setup/hold violation triggering and display to find and display elusive hardware problems
  • Drag-and-drop triggers simplify the task of isolating problems and data of interest
  • 235 MHz state acquisition provides analysis of high-speed synchronous digital circuits
  • iView™ time-correlated digital-analog view to clearly see how analog anomalies are affecting your digital signals
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional PC controller provides familiar user interface with network connectivity
  • Automated measurements ensure faster setup and analysis for common tasks in drag-and-drop categories such as Time, Count, Minimum/Maximum, and Jitter


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