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Used Tektronix 495P Programmable Spectrum Analyzer 100Hz-1.8GHz


  Covers 100Hz to 1.8GHz with -130 dBm Sensitivity and +/-1 dB Frequency Response Inteal high stability reference of center or marker frequencies accuracy of 10^9/Day Built-in Signal Counter Intelligent Markers with Signal Processing Functions Nonvolatile Memory for Waveforms and Front Panel Settings Direct Keypad Entry of Control Parameters Help Mode Explains Front Panel Controls…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0034



Covers 100Hz to 1.8GHz with -130 dBm Sensitivity and +/-1 dB Frequency Response
Inteal high stability reference of center or marker frequencies accuracy of 10^9/Day
Built-in Signal Counter
Intelligent Markers with Signal Processing Functions
Nonvolatile Memory for Waveforms and Front Panel Settings
Direct Keypad Entry of Control Parameters
Help Mode Explains Front Panel Controls and Signal Processing Functions at the touch of a button
Analyzer is in excellent condition, it comes with the original manual.
The dust cover is in perfect condition and has a velcro pouch inside to store the probes, 
cords and adaptors


Low end frequency limit  100.00 Hz 
High end frequency limit  1.80 GHz 
Resolution Bandwidth Min.  10 Hz 
Resolution Bandwidth Max.  3.00 MHz 
Amplitude Range  -117 to +30 dBm


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