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Used Sysmex XE-2100 Automated Hematology System with Software Blood Analyzer


The XE-2100 Automated Hematology System is an easy to use, high volume analyzer with a history of reliability and productivity that provides operational efficiency for the hematology laboratory. Unique fluorescent flow cytometry and hydrodynamic focusing technologies enable the XE-2100 to minimize review rates and produce accurate results even when interferences are present. Designed to be…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0051


The XE-2100 Automated Hematology System is an easy to use, high volume analyzer with a history of reliability and productivity that provides operational efficiency for the hematology laboratory. Unique fluorescent flow cytometry and hydrodynamic focusing technologies enable the XE-2100 to minimize review rates and produce accurate results even when interferences are present.

Designed to be scalable, reliable and efficient, the Sysmex XE-2100 offers laboratories an automated hematology system that can truly meet and exceed their expectations.  The XE-2100 streamlines your workflow by providing testing for up to 150 samples/hour, enabling rapid tuaround time.

Description :

31 Whole Blood Reportable Parameters CBC with 6-part Differential including IG% and # 
2 Platelet methods on-board.  IPF is optional.
Reticulocyte panel including RET
%, RET#, IRF.  RET-He is optional.
Body Fluid Reportable Parameters WBC-BF, RBC-BF
Whole Blood Linearity (Traditional)

Whole Blood Linearity (SI units)

WBC:  0 – 440.00 x 103/μL
RBC:  0 – 8.00 x 106μL
PLT:  0 – 5000 x 103/μL

WBC:  0 – 440.00 x 109/μL
RBC:  0 – 8.00 x 1012/μL
PLT:  0 – 5000 x 1012/μL

Body Fluid Linearity (Traditional)

Body Fluid Linearity (SI units)

WBC-BF:  >0.050 x 103/μL
RBC-BF:  >0.01 x 106/μL

WBC-BF:  >0.050 x 109/μL
RBC-BF:  >0.01 x 1012/μL

Whole blood mode:  150 samples/hour (max.)
Body fluid mode:  38 samples/hour (max.)
Sample Volume
Open mode:  200 μL
Closed mode:  130 μL
Capillary mode:  40 μL
Standalone analyzer
Sysmex XE-AlphaN™ Integrated Hematology System 
Sysmex HST-N™ Hematology Automation System 


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