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Used Immucor Galileo Echo Automated Blood Bank Analyzer With G3 Utility Software


The Galileo Echo a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully automate iunoheatology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The Galileo Echo automates test pro.cessing, result interpretation and data management functions. The Galileo Echo is designed to automate standard imunohematology assays using a microstrip-based platform. Assays include A60 grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection1 identification of…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0048


The Galileo Echo a microprocessor-controlled instrument designed to fully automate iunoheatology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood. The Galileo Echo automates test pro.cessing, result interpretation and data management functions. The Galileo Echo is designed to automate standard imunohematology assays using a microstrip-based platform. Assays include A60 grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection1 identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing and red blood cell phenotyping.
The Galileo Echo is a closed system intended for use only with the reagents specified in the Galileo Echo Operator Manual. All of the Galileo Echo functions are fully automated, including: sample and reagent handling, pipetting, incubation, washing, shaking, centrifugation, reading and interpretation of results. Automated process controls and error detection mechanisms significantly reduce or eliminate opportunities for user error and invalidate suspect results.


  • Full Automation.  
  • Continuous Access.
  • Fast Tuaround Time.
  • STAT Priority.
  • Broad Test Menu.
  • User Friendly Interface.
  • Error Free Processes.
  • Reflex panne.

Test Menu Assays include:

  • ABO Type
  • Reverse Type
  • Donor Confirmation
  • ABO Type Newbo
  • Rh and Kell Phenotype
  • Weak D
  • Antibody Screen (3-cell)
  • Antibody Identification (3 panels)
  • Crossmatch
  • DAT (IgG)
Life in the blood bank lab is more demanding than ever. More than ever, you’re asked to answer the call for a faster, more accurate, higher volume and better functioning lab, all with fewer human resources – test by test, minute by minute, day by day.

Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control.

– See more at:

Life in the blood bank lab is more demanding than ever. More than ever, you’re asked to answer the call for a faster, more accurate, higher volume and better functioning lab, all with fewer human resources – test by test, minute by minute, day by day.

Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control.

– See more at:

Life in the blood bank lab is more demanding than ever. More than ever, you’re asked to answer the call for a faster, more accurate, higher volume and better functioning lab, all with fewer human resources – test by test, minute by minute, day by day.

Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control. – See more at:
Life in the blood bank lab is more demanding than ever. More than ever, you’re asked to answer the call for a faster, more accurate, higher volume and better functioning lab, all with fewer human resources – test by test, minute by minute, day by day.

Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control. – See more at:
Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control. – See more at:
Immucor, a world leader in blood bank automation, has heard the call, from big labs and small labs, all over the globe. And we’ve answered with Galileo Echo – a third generation instrument designed to help blood banks of all sizes, and volumes answer their call. For better technology. Higher functionality. More flexibility and speed. Better control. – See more at:


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