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Used Beckman Coulter LH 750 Hematology Analyzer with Diluter & Power Supply S1417


The LH 750 analyzer is equipped with superior technologies, NRBC enumeration and random access capabilities. These advancements help high-volume labs eliminate manual pre-sorting of samples and speed results to clinicians. With this system, you can improve overall efficiency, while maintaining the highest degree of testing accuracy. Increase Testing Confidence with AccuCount Technology. AccuCount Technology is…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0072


The LH 750 analyzer is equipped with superior technologies, NRBC enumeration and random access capabilities. These advancements help high-volume labs eliminate manual pre-sorting of samples and speed results to clinicians. With this system, you can improve overall efficiency, while maintaining the highest degree of testing accuracy. Increase Testing Confidence with AccuCount Technology. AccuCount Technology is revolutionary technique that combines the power of the Coulter Principle with our most advanced algorithms to deliver the best overall precision, linearity and accuracy in the industry. With greatly reduced false positive flagging, AccuCount Technology dramatically streamlines your testing process. It eliminates unnecessary operator intervention such as manual WBC correction for making blood smears, sample dilution preparations and repeat testing.

Features :

  • Improve productivity with WBC linearity that extends from zero to 400,000 and platelet linearity that extends from zero to 3,000,000
  • Increase clinician confidence at clinical decision thresholds without additional costly testing protocols
  • Enhance productivity with a reduction in false-positive results and confirmatory tests
  • Eliminate the use of additional reagents since NRBCs are automatically enumerated with every CBC/diff
  • Identify and enumerate NRBCs without manual intervention
  • Improve productivity by reducing the need for technologist intervention and sample re-runs
  • Obtain precise and accurate WBC counts with automatic interference correction


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