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Used Agilent HP 3588A 10 Hz to 150 MHz Spectrum Analyzer


The HP / Agilent 3588A Spectrum Analyzer has a frequency range of 10 Hz to 150 MHz, and offers outstanding frequency and amplitude accuracy.  A wide range of frequency spans and resolution bandwidths accommodates many types of measurements.  A built-in tracking generator with programmable amplitude allows easy scalar network measurements for passive and active networks.…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0042


The HP / Agilent 3588A Spectrum Analyzer has a frequency range of 10 Hz to 150 MHz, and offers outstanding frequency and amplitude accuracy.  A wide range of frequency spans and resolution bandwidths accommodates many types of measurements.  A built-in tracking generator with programmable amplitude allows easy scalar network measurements for passive and active networks.

The Agilent 3588A offers two measurement modes: swept spectrum and narrowband zoom.  Both modes provide excellent speed and greater resolution than conventional analyzers.  Swept-spectrum mode provides the performance and features of traditional swept-tuned analyzers but adds very sharp digital IF filters for improved frequency resolution (-3 dB bandwidths as narrow as 1.1 Hz).  Narrowband zoom uses an implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform to provide faster measurements with even greater resolving power.

Built-in auto calibration provides typical amplitude accuracy better than ± 0.2 dB.  This amplitude accuracy, combined with the frequency stability and accuracy of a synthesized receiver, provides the high performance needed for the most demanding measurement situations.  Maximum signal-to-noise dynamic range is 112 dB.  Low-distortion mode measurements are optimized to provide 80 dB of distortion-free dynamic range.  

Specifications of the Agilent 3588A Spectrum Analyzer include:

  • ± 0.2 dB typical level accuracy
  • Narrowband measurements hundreds of times faster
  • Inteal HP Instrument BASIC and controller option
  • 80/112 dB dynamic range
  • Built-in 3.5-inch flexible disk drive
  • Scalar network analysis; built-in tracking generator

Configuration Notes / Options:


  • 003 – 2MB Memory


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