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New Trinity Biotech Premier Hb9210 HbA1c Hematology Analyzer


Utilising our patented boronate affinity technology the Premier Hb9210™ offers you accurate & precise results, free from interference, in a rapid & highly scalable package. Delivering substantial workflow benefits, the platform is ideal for the most demanding laboratory & clinic environments. The instrument consists of an integrated HPLC system, a compact sample handler and the…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0791


Utilising our patented boronate affinity technology the Premier Hb9210™ offers you accurate & precise results, free from interference, in a rapid & highly scalable package. Delivering substantial workflow benefits, the platform is ideal for the most demanding laboratory & clinic environments.
The instrument consists of an integrated HPLC system, a compact sample handler and the workstation with our Affinity™ control software as pictured.
Combined with a touch-screen user-interface & easy to interpret results, this advanced system allows the user to accurately determine the HbA1c results for any workload.

Unlike the charge-based separation of ion exchange HPLC, which doesn’t detect all glycated haemoglobin (Hb) species, the Premier Hb9210™ uses the glycation specific binding of boronate affinity to detect all of the glycated Hb species present.

This allows the final result to be determined based on a simple peak area fraction of two species of Hb, making result interpretation extremely straightforward as there are only two peaks on the chromatogram:

  • one glycated (directly correlated to the HbA1c result)
  • one non-glycated (all other haemoglobin types)

With a worldwide increase in diabetes testing combined with increasing ethnic diversity, being completely free of interference from Hb variants gives you complete reassurance that the patient’s HbA1c result is being measured correctly. In summary the Premier Hb9210™ offers you fast, reliable & safe HbA1c diagnosis in a compact, high-capacity platform. Rely on patented Boronate Affinity technology and the precise, accurate performance of HPLC  to give you complete reassurance in your results.

Features :

  • Precision: Intra-run CVs below 2% guarantee a reliable, repeatable result.
  • Linearity: r² = 0.9958 (for 3.8%HbA1c to 18.5%HbA1c) ensure accuracy for the whole diabetic population.
  • Specificity: minimal interference from variants, interferents, matrix effects & sample freezing.
  • Correlation: vs Trinity Biotech Ultra2 – r² = 0.9962 allowing you to upgrade with confidence.
  • Software combines operator ease-of-use with the advanced data management facilities demanded by mode hospital IT policies.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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