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New Tektronix RSA3408B Real Time Spectrum Analyzer w/ Opt 06/ 21/ 29/ L5/ A6/ 02/ 03/ 05


The Tektronix RSA3408B Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer is part of the mid-range of performance Spectrum Analyzer Series. It delivers the measurement confidence you hope for in your radio design or spectrum management functions. With the RSA3408B, you can perform vector, spectrum, power, signal source and audio analysis, all from within a single spectrum analyzer instrument. The…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0821


The Tektronix RSA3408B Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer is part of the mid-range of performance Spectrum Analyzer Series. It delivers the measurement confidence you hope for in your radio design or spectrum management functions. With the RSA3408B, you can perform vector, spectrum, power, signal source and audio analysis, all from within a single spectrum analyzer instrument.

The Tek RSA3408B makes it easy for you to discover design issues that other signal analyzers miss. The revolutionary DPX Live RF spectrum display offers an intuitive live color view of signal transients changing over time in the frequency domain, giving you immediate confidence in the stability of your design or instantly displaying a fault when it occurs. This live display of transients is impossible with other signal analyzers. Once a problem is discovered with DPX, the Real Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) can be set to trigger on the event in the frequency domain, capture a continuous time record of changing RF events and perform time-correlated analysis in all domains. You get the functionality of a high-performance vector signal analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, and the unique discover, trigger, capture, analyze capability of a Real Time Spectrum Analyzer.

Features :

  • DC to 8 GHz Frequency Range
  • All Signals in Spans Up to 36 MHz are Captured into Memory
  • Up to 1.28 s Acquisition Length at 36 MHz Bandwidth Provides Complete Analysis Over Time Without Making Multiple Acquisitions
  • Fully preselected and image-free at all times for full dynamic range at any capture bandwidth
  • Interfaces with TekConnect® Probes for RF Probing
  • Differential IQ Input Available
  • DPX™ Spectrum Processing Provides an Intuitive Understanding of Time-varying RF Signals with Color Graded Displays Based on Frequency of Occurrence
  • Revolutionary DPX Displays Transients with >48,000 Spectrum Measurements per Second

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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