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New Tektronix 2712 9kHz – 1.8 GHz Spectrum Analyzer


The Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyzer provides excellent RF performance, a built-in frequency counter, full programmability, digital and true analog displays, high portability, enough nonvolatile memory for 108 saved displays and much more. A straightforward human interface, with conveniently grouped, dedicated front-panel keys and simple, menu-driven functions makes the 2712 easy to lea and use. You…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0720


The Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyzer provides excellent RF performance, a built-in frequency counter, full programmability, digital and true analog displays, high portability, enough nonvolatile memory for 108 saved displays and much more. A straightforward human interface, with conveniently grouped, dedicated front-panel keys and simple, menu-driven functions makes the 2712 easy to lea and use. You can set frequency, span and reference level directly from the front panel. A real-time clock provides an on-screen date and time display, plus date/time stamp capability for waveform printouts. Frequency-corrected tuning and phase lock stabilization enhance the ability to resolve close-in signals and reliably demodulate narrowband signals. Sensitivity up to -127 dBm (-80 dBmV) at 300 Hz resolution bandwidth (RBW) lets you see weak signals. The built-in preamp can improve sensitivity another 12 dB, up to -139 dBm (-92 dBmV). Up to 80 dB on-screen dynamic range ensures visibility of weak signals in the presence of strong ones.

Features :

  • High Value, Low Cost
  • 5 x 10-7 Frequency Accuracy
  • Sensitivity to -139 dBm (-92 dBmV) with Built-in Preamp
  • Inteal Frequency Counter
  • 4 Trace Digital Plus True Analog Display
  • 124 K of RAM
  • Easy to Use
  • Dedicated Numeric Keypad Plus Logically Grouped Menu Keys
  • Powerful Built-in Measurement Routines
  • EMC Measurements with Optional Quasi-peak Detector
  • Swept Measurements to 1.8 GHz with Optional Inteal or Exteal tracking Generator

    Additional information

    Weight 5 kg


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