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New Rohde &Schwarz UPV FFT 250KHz Audio Analyzer


The R&S®UPV enables users to perform virtually all measurements that are necessary in the audio world: frequency response measurement, total harmonic distortion (THD) displays, spectral displays, analysis of digital interfaces, and much more. The generator is just as versatile. It can be used to create any conceivable signal from sinewave and noise signals up to…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0708


The R&S®UPV enables users to perform virtually all measurements that are necessary in the audio world: frequency response measurement, total harmonic distortion (THD) displays, spectral displays, analysis of digital interfaces, and much more. The generator is just as versatile. It can be used to create any conceivable signal from sinewave and noise signals up to multi-sinewave signals.

The R&S®UPV is an all-in-one instrument with an integrated control PC, making it easy to transport. Since the instrument comes factory-ready, it merely needs to be unpacked and switched on before being put into operation. Peripherals are therefore not required. Optional modules and software expansions that can be integrated into the instrument open up a broad scope of further applications.

The R&S®UPV features an intuitive user interface (Windows operating system). The large screen plays a key role, not only for displaying measurement results. All settings are made in panels that contain all interrelated functions and settings. Since the operating philosophy is easy to understand and since analog and digital measurements are performed in a similar manner, users can quickly master instrument operation.

The instrument features scalable graphical windows that can be moved around on the screen as needed, providing all measurement results at a glance. Results can be displayed in realtime for one or both channels and can optionally be expanded to a maximum of 16 channels. Multiple measurement functions/graphics are available simultaneously. For example, analyses in the frequency and time domains can be displayed at the same time. With graphics, results can be read off using vertical and horizontal cursors, and limit lines or stored measurement results can be superimposed on them or compared with them.

Features :

  • Generation of a wide variety of analog and – by using the R&S®UPV-B2/-B41/-B42 options – digital test signals
  • Extensive measurement capabilities, on analog and also – when the R&S®UPV-B2/-B41/-B42 options are installed –digital interfaces
  • Efficient as well as multichannel FFT analysis with a resolution down to the mHz range
  • User-programmable filters can be adapted to the measurement task at hand in only a few seconds
  • Everything included, no peripherals required
  • Analog generator outputs as standard
  • Dual-channel analyzer with analog inputs as standard
  • Expansion to 8 or 16 measurement channels (R&S®UPV-B48 option)
  • Digital audio interfaces (R&S®UPV-B2 option)
  • Digital protocol analysis and generation (R&S®UPV-K21 option)
  • Jitter and interface test (R&S®UPV-K22 option)
  • Test of audio ICs with I²S interface (R&S®UPV-B41 option)
  • Virtually any audio circuit adaptable using the universal serial interface (R&S®UPV-B42 option)
  • PDM bitstream analysis (R&S®UPV-K421 option)
  • For both the generator and analyzer, all interfaces can be adjusted independently of one another, and they may be used together in any combination

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      Weight 5 kg


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