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New Oxford X-MET7000 Express Handheld XRF Analyzer


Oxford Instruments is proud to launch a new, faster handheld XRF analyser for high performance measurement – the X MET7000 eXpress. The NEW X-MET7000 eXpress delivers the high performance that is needed when measuring trace elements without compromising on time. The new X-MET7000 eXpress delivers accurate analysis, lower limits of detection, improved precision (repeatability) and…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0782


Oxford Instruments is proud to launch a new, faster handheld XRF analyser for high performance measurement – the X MET7000 eXpress. The NEW X-MET7000 eXpress delivers the high performance that is needed when measuring trace elements without compromising on time. The new X-MET7000 eXpress delivers accurate analysis, lower limits of detection, improved precision (repeatability) and faster analysis time. With one pull of the trigger, the X-MET7000 eXpress analyses, verifies and screens materials up to 4 times faster than the X-MET7000 QuickSort. This can be critical when dealing with large volumes of samples to analyse in limited time, as in the scrap and PMI markets, and in the environmental testing industry, saving costs and increasing productivity.

The X-MET7000 eXpress includes Oxford Instruments’ 40 kV X-ray tube and high resolution, high count rate Silicon-drift detector (SDD). The X-MET7000 Series comes with the largest alloy grades library available on the handheld XRF markets, providing more than 1,600 grades to ensure accurate identification of metals.

As part of the X-MET7000 Series, the X-MET7000 eXpress offers the largest touch screen available on the market with its intuitive and easy-to-read graphical user interface. Large functional icons make leaing how to use the instrument simple and quick. The bright and high contrast 4.3” Blanview® transmissive LCD touch screen ensures optimal outdoor viewing, even in direct sunlight. Its ease of use guarantees maximum productivity. Up to 10-12 hours battery life enables operation for a full working day on a single battery charge. The handheld X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysers come with unsurpassed reporting flexibility; reports can be downloaded on a USB memory stick, or to a laptop using a USB connection or WiFi. The results screen and reports can be easily customised, e.g. to show pass/fail messages. The rugged, yet light and compact design of the X-MET7000 Series withstands the harshest environments and weather conditions. Increase productivity and profitability with the X-MET7000 eXpress XRF analyser from Oxford Instruments.

Features :

  • Easy to use, minimal user training required: simple ‘point and shoot’ analysis
  • Icon-driven user interface with largest colour touch screen on the market: superior visibility in all weather conditions
  • Up to 10-12 hours battery life: operate a full day on a single battery charge
  • Simple, powerful and secure data download with total reporting flexibility, including wifi capability
  • Wide range of applications: Precious metals and jewellery analysis, mineral confirmation and mine mapping, compliance and RoHS testing, soil analysis, etc.
  • Fast, non-destructive XRF analysis and grading of alloys.
  • Extensive built-in grade library for wide range of alloys including stainless steels, low alloy steels, tool steels, Cu, Co, Ti, Al alloys (heavy alloying elements)
  • Good accuracy and alloy ID in just 2 seconds.
  • Trace element measurement in just 5 seconds measurement time (<0.1%).
  • Automatic selection of Empirical and Fundamental Parameters calibrations for the highest confidence in your results
  • Empirical and FP calibrations available.
  • CRM check sample provided for confirmation of continuous high performance over short and long term
  • Store up to 100,000 results including the spectra.
  • Download results and reports directly on USB memory stick, or onto PC using a USB cable.
  • Easy Reporting that can be shared.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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