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New Oxford X-MET3000 Alloy Analyzer X-Ray Spectrometer Handheld MINING


The Oxford X-MET 3000TX is a rugged, handheld XRF analyzer which incorporates advanced x-ray tube technology. The X-MET 3000TX XRF alloy analyzer provides a fast and simple way to perform alloy analysis outside in the field, inside in the laboratory or on-site in the production facilities – anywhere accurate analysis and throughput are needed. FP…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0780


The Oxford X-MET 3000TX is a rugged, handheld XRF analyzer which incorporates advanced x-ray tube technology. The X-MET 3000TX XRF alloy analyzer provides a fast and simple way to perform alloy analysis outside in the field, inside in the laboratory or on-site in the production facilities – anywhere accurate analysis and throughput are needed.

FP calibration is fast and easy, no user calibration standards are required. The standard version analyzes the 25 most common elements from Ti to U. The elements analyzed can easily be customized according to the user requirements. Empirical calibrations are used when maximum accuracy is required, when measuring trace elements, or when measuring coating thickness.

Features :

  • Quick quantitative analysis of all restricted elements; Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr and Br
  • Bring the analyser to the test site
  • Sort Pb-free from Pb-containing components in seconds
  • Screen for Pb and Cd in plastic parts
  • Plastics recycling: Sort PVC or Br containing plastics in seconds
  • Samples can be from small components to bigger parts
  • Quick on-site quality control to analyse various other elements like Ag, Cu, Sb, Bi etc. from solder and Cl, Ti, Zn, Se etc. in plastics Analysis Capabilities

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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