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New Olympus Innov-X Delta RoHS DS6500 XRF Alloy Analyzer


The DELTA is a reliable and rugged analyzer that maximizes both speed and accuracy. Other XRF systems have trade-offs. They may be able to identify alloys quickly, however inexperienced operators may not be able to determine whether an ID is incorrect, or whether longer testing is required. So how does the conscientious inspector maximize testing…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0687


The DELTA is a reliable and rugged analyzer that maximizes both speed and accuracy. Other XRF systems have trade-offs. They may be able to identify alloys quickly, however inexperienced operators may not be able to determine whether an ID is incorrect, or whether longer testing is required. So how does the conscientious inspector maximize testing speed without increasing the risk of mistaken IDs or erroneous readings? Innov-X’s SmartSort solution automates all these decisions, enabling even inexperienced operators to maximize both speed and inspection accuracy. This powerful feature yields optimized throughput and accuracy, making the DELTA an extremely productive XRF for alloy inspection.

Traditionally a difficult area for handheld XRF, the analysis of light alloys and elements (Mg, Al, Si, P, S) can now be routine with the DELTA Alloy and Metal XRF Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) Analyzer with the newly available X-act Count Technology. Its integration with a 40kV Rhanode tube and automatic filtering provides fast, precise analysis of transition and heavy metals, and sensitive measurement of light element content. SmartSort maximizes testing throughput – sample by sample, testing is automatically extended or terminated – maximizing accuracy and throughput.

Features :

  • Magnesium (Mg) detection down to 0.20%
  • Quick and accurate quantification of S content in stainless and low alloy steels 

    – Reliable identification of 303 and 416 grades

  • Measures Si and Al in stainless, bronzes and other alloys
  • Measures P in carbon steel down to 0.014% with exclusive 3-beam Alloy Plus calibration
  • Extensive grade library combined with SmartSort provides nominal chemistry for light elements when the fastest testing speeds are required

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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