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New Audio Precision Portable One Plus Audio Measurement System


The Audio Precision Portable One Plus Audio Measurement System is a comprehensive two-channel analog audio test instrument. The graph top and bottom values may be set by the user, even after a sweep, with the data dynamically re-scaling. After sweeping, a cursor may be used to provide numeric readout of any point on the graph.…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0742


The Audio Precision Portable One Plus Audio Measurement System is a comprehensive two-channel analog audio test instrument. The graph top and bottom values may be set by the user, even after a sweep, with the data dynamically re-scaling. After sweeping, a cursor may be used to provide numeric readout of any point on the graph. Measurements may also be displayed on an analog-style bargraph with a user-selectable range. The Portable One Plus Access is capable ofgenera ting low-distortion sine and square waveforms, and measurements may be displayed in a wide variety of units. Printer support is provided, allowing printout of high-resolution graphs, fast screen dumps, numerical data from sweeps or self-test, and printout ofbargraph displays. Signals within the audible range can be monitored using the built-in loudspeaker or with user-supplied headphones. An exteal volume control is provided. Up to 30 complete panel setups can be stored in inteal memory so that common test setups can be easily recalled. This memory persists even when the unit is unplugged. In addition, test setups can be stored with a set of data, so that field test results can be saved for later analysis or printing.

This unit has the P1-IMD option installed for generation and analysis of Intermodulation Distortion test signals.

Features :

  • LCD Viewing Screen
  • Memory for up to 30 Complete Panel Setups
  • Exteal Volume Control
  • Printer Support

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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