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New Anritsu MS2711D 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer w/ Opt 6


The Anritsu MS2711D Spectrum Analyzer covers the 100 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range. The MS2711D handheld spectrum analyzer is a proven solution for installing, provisioning, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless systems and RF frequency spectrum interference issues. This portable spectrum analyzer features a built-in standard preamplifier in a compact, handheld design that can go “anywhere,…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0759


The Anritsu MS2711D Spectrum Analyzer covers the 100 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range. The MS2711D handheld spectrum analyzer is a proven solution for installing, provisioning, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless systems and RF frequency spectrum interference issues. This portable spectrum analyzer features a built-in standard preamplifier in a compact, handheld design that can go “anywhere, anytime” with no backpack required. Ideal for field environments and applications that require mobility, such as site surveys and on-site system testing.

The MS2711D includes data analysis software, soft carrying case, rechargeable/field-replaceable battery, AC/DC power supply, and 12.5V automobile cigarette lighter adapter and users guide.

Features :

  • Interference detection features include AM/FM/SSB demodulation and interfering signal type determination for cellular signals.
  • Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, channel power, adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR), modulation and antenna gain/isolation measurements
  • Received Signal strength (RSSI) – location and identification of in-band interference and out-of-band spurious signals; modulation identification, and spectral masks,
  • Signal Strength Mapping – to determine the most suitable location for antennas, base stations and repeaters
  • Stimulus-response measurements – for component test.
  • Dynamic Range: +30dBm to -115dBm
  • Input Impedance: 50ohms
  • Resolution Bandwidth: 100kHz to 1MHz
  • Video Bandwidth: 100Hz to 300kHz
  • Accuracy: 2ppm
  • Has option 6 frequency extension interface

      Additional information

      Weight 5 kg


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