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New Anritsu MS2691A 50Hz-13.5GHz Signal Analyzer


The MS269XA Series Signal Analyzers support a standard measurement analysis bandwidth of 31.25 MHz that can be extended to 125 MHz with the appropriate optional hardware. Using a patented calibration process, the multipoint amplitude calibration and the phase calibration result in a level accuracy of ±0.5 dB across a 6 GHz span. No other analyzer…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0826


The MS269XA Series Signal Analyzers support a standard measurement analysis bandwidth of 31.25 MHz that can be extended to 125 MHz with the appropriate optional hardware. Using a patented calibration process, the multipoint amplitude calibration and the phase calibration result in a level accuracy of ±0.5 dB across a 6 GHz span. No other analyzer on the market can meet that specification! These boxes are superlative in every way – they measure the widest signals, using the latest technology to make measurements faster than ever before. The modular architecture ensures a box that grows with you as your measurement requirements change. A series of options enables standards-based modulation analysis, vector signal generation, and BER measurement. The end-user can configure a single box solution that dramatically reduces cost, footprint, and Total Average Cycle Time (TACT) for device evaluation.

Features :

    • Frequency Range: 50Hz-13.5GHz
    • Vector Signal Analysis function combines speed with reliable and stable RF performance
    • 125 MHz Analysis Bandwidth
    • High accuracy digitizer function captures RF signal without loss
    • Vector Signal Generator Option up to 6GHz
    • DL-MAP decode provided for mobile WiMAX measurement
    • Software options for WCDMA, WiMAX and LTE applications.
    • High-Speed Exteal Interface: LAN 10/100/1000 base T, USB2.0, IEEE488

      Additional information

      Weight 5 kg


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