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New Anritsu MS2661A 9 KHz to 3 GHz Spectrum Analyzer


The Anritsu MS2661A Spectrum Analyser is for use in signal analysis of radio and other equipment related to improving frequency usage efficiency, higher modulation, and digitalization. The Anritsu MS2661A is a synthesized spectrum analyser covering a frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0804


The Anritsu MS2661A Spectrum Analyser is for use in signal analysis of radio and other equipment related to improving frequency usage efficiency, higher modulation, and digitalization. The Anritsu MS2661A is a synthesized spectrum analyser covering a frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate. The MS2661A has the “Measure” function for evaluation of radio equipment (frequency counter, C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, burst average power, and template decision function) and which enables the two-screen display and FM demodulation waveform display.

Features :

  • Frequency range from 9kHz to 3GHz
  • Resolution Bandwidth from 30Hz to 5MHz
  • Measurement range of +30 to 115 dBm
  • Sweep time from 20ms to 1000s IEEE 488 (GP-IB)
  • RS232 Interfaces Colour screen

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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