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New Agilent HP Keysight 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer


The Agilent HP Keysight 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer is a dual-channel, FFT-based network, spectrum and waveform analyzer which provides analysis capabilities in both the time and frequency domains. The 0-to-100 kHz frequency range, 150 dB measurement range and 80 dB dynamic range of the HP 3562A make it a powerful tool for testing and analysis…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0678


The Agilent HP Keysight 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer is a dual-channel, FFT-based network, spectrum and waveform analyzer which provides analysis capabilities in both the time and frequency domains. The 0-to-100 kHz frequency range, 150 dB measurement range and 80 dB dynamic range of the HP 3562A make it a powerful tool for testing and analysis in electronic, mechanical and servo control system applications.

This analyzer has a pair of differential input channels and a built-in signal source. Besides linear and logarithmic resolution measurement modes, the HP 3562A also provides swept sine measurements.

The digital section of this instrument provides the flexibility to manipulate the gathered data into almost any format required through waveform math, frequency response synthesis, and curve fitting routines. The HP 3562A also directly drives HP-GL plotters without a controller. Exteal disc drives can be directly driven for data and instrument state storage.

Features :

  • 64 µHz to 100 KHz
  • 150 dB Dynamic Range
  • Spectrum, Network and Transient Analysis
  • Vector Averaging
  • Waveform Math
  • Curve Fitting
  • Frequency Response Analysis

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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