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New Agilent HP E7495B 10Mhz-2.7Ghz Base Test System Spectrum Analyzer


The Agilent HP E7495B Base Test System Spectrum Analyzer is the most functional one-box tool for wireless and wireline test available today, eliminating the need for technicians to carry, manage, and lea multiple test tools. Consolidating your most frequently-used tools into one box dramatically increases your technicians’ productivity. This helps reduce your asset costs, tracking…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0726


The Agilent HP E7495B Base Test System Spectrum Analyzer is the most functional one-box tool for wireless and wireline test available today, eliminating the need for technicians to carry, manage, and lea multiple test tools. Consolidating your most frequently-used tools into one box dramatically increases your technicians’ productivity. This helps reduce your asset costs, tracking costs, calibration and maintenance costs, and training costs associated with leaing the specifics of separate instruments.

The Agilent/HP E7495B Base Station Test Set is designed to simplify the job of installing and maintaining base stations. By combining all important base station diagnostic tools in one rugged instrument, the E7495A/B lets you get your work done in the shortest time at each base station. You can store trace data from Retu Loss and Distance to Fault measurements on a Windows XP PC for later analysis.

Features :

  • Antenna tester (one port insertion loss, two port insertion loss, retu loss, and distance to fault measurements)
  • Spectrum analyzer
  • Inteal GPS receiver
  • Accessories (cables, attenuators, opens, shorts, etc.)

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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