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New Agilent HP 89410A Vector Signal Analyzer w/ Opts AYA/1C2/AY7/AY9/UTH/AYB/UG7/AYH


The Agilent HP 89410A Vector Signal Analyzer covers a frequency range of dc to 10 MHz and offers an optional second channel. The second channel makes it possible to measure frequency response or perform vector network analysis, and the built-in math functions facilitate measurement calibration and correction. Two-channel statistical measurements such as cross-correlation and coherence…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0673


The Agilent HP 89410A Vector Signal Analyzer covers a frequency range of dc to 10 MHz and offers an optional second channel. The second channel makes it possible to measure frequency response or perform vector network analysis, and the built-in math functions facilitate measurement calibration and correction. Two-channel statistical measurements such as cross-correlation and coherence can also be made.

The 89410A provides a flexible source for circuit stimulation. Sinewaves, periodic chirps (sinewave sweeps), and pseudo-random noise are available, along with user-definable arbitrary waveforms. The arbitrary waveforms operate on a block of up to 4096 complex points. Any of these signals can be used as a stimulus while spectrum measurements are made elsewhere in the circuit. Source level and dc offset of the patte are all controllable by the user. 

Features :

  • DC to 10 MHz frequency range
  • Optional second channel
  • Accurate two channel statistical measurements such as cross-correlation and coherence
  • Flexible source for circuit stimulation
  • Sine, periodic chirp, pseudo-random noise, and arbitrary source


AYA – Vector Modulation Analysis
– Instrument BASIC
– Second 10 MHz Input Channel
AY9 – Extend Time Capture to 1 MSample
AYB – Waterfall and Spectrogram
AYH – Digital Video Analysis (std 8944IV)
UG7 – Anvanced LAN Support
UTH – 20 Mb Extended RAM and Additional I/

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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