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New Agilent HP 8590L 9 kHz to 1.8GHz Portable Spectrum Analyzer


The Agilent HP 8590L Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a low cost, but full-featured, frequency accurate RF spectrum analyzer designed to meet your general purpose measurement needs. The easy-to-use interface provides access to more than 200 built-in functions. Features : Frequency counter: Eliminate the need for a separate frequency counter with the built-in frequency counter-with ±2.1…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0707


The Agilent HP 8590L Portable Spectrum Analyzer is a low cost, but full-featured, frequency accurate RF spectrum analyzer designed to meet your general purpose measurement needs. The easy-to-use interface provides access to more than 200 built-in functions.

Features :

  • Frequency counter: Eliminate the need for a separate frequency counter with the built-in frequency counter-with ±2.1 kHz accuracy at 1 GHz (±7.6 kHz from 0 to 50 °C)
  • Multiple resolution bandwidth filters: Optimize the tradeoffs of speed, sensitivity and the separation of closely spaced signals with your choice of 10 resolution bandwidth filters beginning at 1 kHz
  • 145 dB amplitude measurement range: Measure signals directly with -115 dBm to +30 dBm amplitude measurement range
  • One-button measurement routines: Save time, setup, and training with one button measurement routines such as Adjacent Channel Power, signal bandwidth and Third Order Intercept (TOI)
  • Phase noise of 105 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset: Uncover small signals close to carriers with an inteal phase noise that will not get in your way
  • Dual interfaces: Operate remotely and print directly with the optional dual interfaces that combine either an GP-IB or RS-232 port with a parallel (Centronics) port
  • Built-in tracking generator: Measure the scalar characteristics of your components with the optional built-in tracking generator and the Keysight 85714A scalar measurements personality

Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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