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New Agilent 35670A Signal Analyzer HP 35670A


The Agilent 35670A is a dynamic signal analyzer that provides powerful signal analysis capabilities. It is commonly used for a range of applications, including vibration analysis, acoustics, mechanical testing, and other forms of time-domain and frequency-domain measurements.

5 in stock

SKU: XRF1082


Agilent 35670A SIGNAL ANALYZER HP 35670A

The Agilent 35670A Signal Analyzer HP 35670A with options 1D0, 1D1, 1D2, 1D3, 1D4, 1C2 and UFC is a high-precision measuring device for signal analysis. It is ideal for measurement and testing technology as well as for electronics and measurement technology in industry. This analyzer from KAGILENT / HP offers easy operation and provides accurate results when analyzing signals and spectra. With its many options and functions, it is an indispensable tool for anyone working in electronics and measurement technology.

“TESTED GOOD CONDITION, installed full options”

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Weight 5 kg


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